
Visual goal setting software for success

Goalscape allows us to break down big challenges into manageable slices, without losing the big picture overview.

Simplify Life

Reaching goals is all about making the right decisions about what to do, devising appropriate plans and executing them effectively.

Before starting out you must determine whether the goal is achievable. Then it is all about knowing where you are and making the right decisions about what to do next.

The Goalscape Team have identified three main factors that contribute to good decision making:

  1. Structure and availability of know-how
  2. Clear priorities
  3. Accurate progress tracking

Goalscape represents these key factors visually and helps you to make the right decisions.

Goalscape Interface Highlights

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OSX, Windows, Cloud, Mobile

Full feature overview:

Clear Goal structure

Easily create a clear visual goal structure

No matter how big or complex the challenge, Goalscape is the ideal way to set goals and create a visual hierarchy. Drag and drop goals to move or copy them as you create your project.

very easy to useEasy adoption – no training required

Goalscape’s unique visual interface is highly intuitive and there are infopoint videos and tooltips on all major functions for quick, painless learning.


All PlatformsUse on all Platforms

Goalscape Desktop runs on any Windows PC or Mac OSX machine. Goalscape Online runs in any major browser on any computer and most tablets – and there is a free ‘companion’ mobile app for any Android or iOS device.

Share and collaborate

Share and Collaborate

Share your Online projects with anyone.
Invite new Goalscapers to collaborate with you, absolutely free of charge.

Assign Importance visually

Set importance visually

See your priorities at a glance. Set a goal’s importance by dragging its border (or use the slider) – all its neighbours resize automatically.
Lock subgoals to fix their importance.
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Track progress visuallyWatch your progress advance

Record progress in the bottom-level goals – that’s where the action happens. As you work you can see your progress advancing across the goal map, which reinforces your motivation.
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Assign Responsibilities and timeframesSchedule people and dates

Assign responsibility for goals to individuals or groups. You can also add timeframes or just set due dates (check the options in Settings).
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Attach files of any kindEasily collect information

Include background details on any goal as notes, attach files in any format (images, documents, spreadsheets, videos, etc) and use hyperlinks to access external websites or filesharing facilities.


Highlight sidebarSearch, Filter and Highlight goals

Highlight goals by Due Date, Responsibility or Tag – or any combination of those attributes.
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Import and ExportImport and Export

Import and export from/to MS Project or MindManager and export PNG or JPG images as well as PDF, Word and Excel reports.


Focus on what matters

Focus on what matters

Collapse outer levels to optimize your view and use focus view to “zoom in” on a subgoal at any level to show all the details below it.
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Business goals screenshotColor-code your goals

Apply color to individual goals, subgoal areas or entire sectors. You can also mark goals with red, amber or green ‘traffic light’ dots to indicate urgency.
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Settings screenshotCustomize Goalscape

Use Settings to select your language (English US/UK, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Czech or Slovak), apply a logo, choose a color scheme and set other options.
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Keyboard ShortcutsWork fast with Hotkey shortcuts

Goalscape supports most common keyboard shortcuts and provides extensive right-click functionality.


Present with GoalscapePresent and run meetings with Goalscape

For smarter presentations and efficient goal-focused meetings, there is a ‘full screen’ view with the menu bars stripped out and a simplified panel. You can also show images directly from goal attachments.
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Use templates

Goalscape starts up with a ‘Get started…’ user guide, which contains templates for some common uses of Goalscape. There are more templates on our Templates page.

KNOWLEDGE ManagementUse Goalscape for smart knowledge management

Capture your knowledge in Goalscape’s engaging, intuitive, visual format. If you have valuable expertise in any area, create a Goalscape project instead of writing a book!

Business goals screenshot + graph

Full Tutorial Video

Watch the full Tutorial video
(10 minutes)


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